Nocturnals is a brand

dedicated to protesting

against discrimination

of night owls






The brief was to create a protester brand, expressing personal concerns and widely spread problems of the society. The brand identity should include the logo, graphic system, stationery, protester kit and activation campaign.

The brand I decided to create is dedicated to protesting against discrimination of night owls and all people with sleep deprivation. There are 3 types of people: night owls (30 %), early birds (40 %) and the rest in between (30 %). But despite this fact our society lives according to biorhythms of early risers.


Group 187@2x.png logo-animation_slower_white-b.gif

Nowadays, even though our society is going through the fourth industrial revolution, we all still start our most important activities (work, studies, bureaucracy, medicine) early in the morning. There are also a lot of issues with the language we use (e.g. “The early bird catches the worm”) and success stories we tell about early risers compared with night owls.

The way Nocturnals are expressing their outrage is through the sleeping protest. We would like people to have an opportunity to take more naps and our protester kit is intended to help people in this. Some of the objects have a special purpose: for instance, the tape can be used to mark the space for the nap in the public places, the awake-nap sign might be put on the table at work or school to let other people know your intentions.

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Like any brand, Nocturnals has its own stationery set. Notebooks are closely connected with the design system set in the protester kit, as there is one notebook for the night and one for the day, which is reflected in the typographic message written on them.

The series of mesmerizing digital posters is created to make people feel hypnotized and having an emerging desire to take a nap. Social Media filters in the form of masks can be used to popularize Nocturnals protest movement and let more people know about it.





Custom Cursor